Deprecated: Thunder\Shortcode\Processor\Processor::processIteration(): Implicitly marking parameter $parent as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in
/home/public/blog/grav-admin/user/plugins/shortcode-core/vendor/thunderer/shortcode/src/Processor/Processor.php on line
Deprecated: Thunder\Shortcode\Parser\RegularParser::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $syntax as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in
/home/public/blog/grav-admin/user/plugins/shortcode-core/vendor/thunderer/shortcode/src/Parser/RegularParser.php on line
Deprecated: Thunder\Shortcode\Event\FilterShortcodesEvent::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $parent as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in
/home/public/blog/grav-admin/user/plugins/shortcode-core/vendor/thunderer/shortcode/src/Event/FilterShortcodesEvent.php on line
Deprecated: Thunder\Shortcode\Event\ReplaceShortcodesEvent::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $shortcode as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in
/home/public/blog/grav-admin/user/plugins/shortcode-core/vendor/thunderer/shortcode/src/Event/ReplaceShortcodesEvent.php on line
Deprecated: ParsedownExtra::blockSetextHeader(): Implicitly marking parameter $Block as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in
/home/public/blog/grav-admin/vendor/erusev/parsedown-extra/ParsedownExtra.php on line
The purpose of blockchains is to establish unchangeable records of digital assets without any trusted party. "Unchangeable" sounds good to prevent fraud, so some county recorders who seem to understand nothing about the law or technology, like Cook County's Karen Yarbrough, who thought blockchain made sense for government deed records, try to force blockchains onto physical property. But even on its face, this application of blockchains makes zero sense and only exists to appeal to the unwitti...
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